Pengasuhan Anak Pada Keluarga Kawin Campur Minang-Tionghoa

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This research used qualitative approach, which was aimed at exploring the child rearing in intermarry family of Minang-Tionghoa. Information was collected through face to face technique from the informan, such as the Minang-Tionghoa family, the village chieves, Minang and Tionghoa societies. As well as Supported by the observation and interviu.
Based on the research, it was found that in the child rearing within intermarry families were used the same patern. The mothers from Minang ethnic and Tionghoa etnic play the important role in the child rearing in the family, although the fathers is also involved. The norm and value pattern that were socialized in the family such as religious, attitute, motivation in the education, polite toward parents, responsible and discipline, were also is the same manner

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Published by Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Andalas.