Kendala Pemanfaatan Aset dalam rangka Coping Strategy oleh Rumah Tangga Petani Miskin di Kelurahan Batipuh Panjang, Kota Padang

elfitra elfitra


Poor people living in the city have access to  improve their wellbeing and escape from poverty.   Pada City that has complete economic activities anables poor farmers of the city  to make use of their assets to increase their income.    In the context of urban informality poor farmers living in the city outskirt have accessibility relations for economic activities and space either in formal or formal sector, but this is dependent upon their ability to make use of those opportunity and their assets. The questions are: do poor farmers have productive assets? What constrain them from taking the advantages of their productive assests?  This   study aims at describing the productive assests of poor famers of Padang City and the utilisation of their productive assests. The study found that lack of cultural capital, human capital and social informal capital  constrains poor famers of Padang City to utilise their productive assets. None farming employment requires skill, performance and eductaion. Poor farmers have lack of this requirements. They also cannot use their informal skill because of lack of networking.

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Published by Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Andalas.