Pendekatan Penyimpangan Positif (Positive Deviance) Sebagai Model Dalam Penanggulangan Masalah Gizi

zuldesni zuldesni


Many researchs and literacy said that the main problem of malnutrient was poverty. This
research is trying to see how the children coming from poor family could get a good nutrient while the others
are not. The poor family who has children with good nutrient which is called family with positive deviance.
This research containt of seven informan, they are categorize as poor famil. The devinition of "poor"
is categorized by the community where the research has done. Five of them are, they with malnutrient
children and the rest of two are they with good nutrition children. To devine the nutrient status is using the
weigt of the child devide the age according to the standard of WHO.
The result of this research shown that the poor family could have a children with good nutrient because they had diffrent practice and habbit comparing to the other family. Thus are such as giving
colostrum trough brast feeding exclusively during four months, making children food using the cheap materials surroundings, they made special food when their childis sick, and keep the enviromental clean.
The differences of the practices are not influenced by the poverty, but because there were velues and beleives that influencing the live practice of them. Besides that this reasearch shown deviance is negatively minded.In Fact deviance could understood in the positive way, community called the poor family with healty children as an example, a place to learn, and succeed family.

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Published by Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Andalas.