Negosiasi Kekuasaan, Teks, Gender dan Ideologi ‘Feminisme Islam: Kasus Pesantren Al Muayyad Windan Solo’

saipul hamdi


This article examines negotiation of power between female and male students, and kyai in pesantrenAl-Muayyad Windan Solo.The process of negotiation began when female students asked kyai and pesantren staff to approve their proposal to establish a special institution for gender issues and empowerment of
women within and outside the pesantren. This proposal was supported by the pesantren staff including the kyai
and formed into a Center for Women’s Studies. This article aims at understanding
the construction and establishment of the Center for Women’s Studies in Windan, and efforts to maintain a
‘pesantren identity’ in the midst of a commitment to adopt new discourses of Islamic feminism. In addition, the
article also aims to explore the programs that are scheduled by the Center both internally and externally, and how
it impacts on people’s lives, especially on women in community. The involvement of kyai in the process
of construction of the Center for Women’s Studies has become instrumental in the negotiation with ‘Islamic feminism’ because feminist ideologi eschallenge the status of the patriarchal nature and culture of kyai and

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Published by Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Andalas.