Social Distance Mobility Masyarakat Limau Manis Kecamatan Pauh, Kota PadangTerkait Keberadaan Kampus Universitas Andalas

azwar .


Sociologically , the existence of Andalas University campus in the middle of Limau Manis Village community contributes to socio-economic changes in the society , especially among indigenous people in the community who do not have a relatively good socio-economic conditions . The research questions are : ( 1 ) how forms of social mobility that occurs in native communities associated Limau Manis Village Andalas University Campus existence ? ( 2 ) what are the factors that lead to social distance between citizens of different mobility ? For research purpose , knowing the factors that cause disparities forms and types of social mobility that occurs between related native Universitas Andalas existence . the research approach is qualitative descriptive approach . Relevance of the use of a qualitative approach in this study because of the issue or problem under study requires an in-depth elaboration of social mobility that occurs in local communities Limau Manis Village . The results showed that social mobility occurs in native communities Village Limau Manis is vertically upward mobility . Dominant factor influencing the occurrence of the intergenerational upward vertical mobility are education , access , and social networking.

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Published by Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Andalas.